
Maximising our resources

PWYP makes the most of our limited resources. By reflecting constantly on the best ways to diversify, use, optimise and channel our funds, we can adapt when necessary, to remain lean and effective in all we do – including supporting our members to deliver on our global strategy.

Funding and spending

The PWYP Secretariat receives funding from donors who support our mission, vision and global goals. To preserve our independence, PWYP does not accept funding from oil, gas or mining companies. We are open and accountable about our governance, funding sources and spending – and we support PWYP members and coalitions in demonstrating the same high standards.

National coalitions are responsible for their own fundraising, with support from the Secretariat through grants for key projects to help achieve our overall strategy. To be eligible for support from the Secretariat, member organisations must meet PWYP’s strict governance and accountability criteria. The Secretariat provides ongoing support in grant management and project implementation, to ensure funds are used optimally to deliver our mission of making oil, gas and mineral governance open, accountable, sustainable, equitable and responsive to all people.


Our annual report 2020

2020 was highly anticipated at Publish What You Pay (PWYP), as the first year of implementing our new five-year strategy, Vision 2025. The strategy defines our people-centred agenda for the extractive sector through four goals: to make PWYP better informed, more influential, widely heard and well connected across our network. But Covid-19 shifted the ground under all our feet.

All our reports >