Civic space: Strategic Framework 2020-2022


Civic space: a ground-breaking road map for addressing threats to civic space in the extractive sector

PWYP’s Strategic Framework on civic space for 2020-2022 provides a road map for addressing threats to civic space  in the extractive sector, in particular those faced by PWYP members.

Natural resource activists campaigning against the harmful impact of extraction, weak governance, corruption and lack of consultation with affected communities are increasingly under threat. In many countries, they have been the target of direct attacks, including harassment, verbal and physical abuse, criminalisation, threats, intimidation and smear campaigns.

PWYP will continue to support their work to ensure that communities benefit from the revenues of extractive industries worldwide. 

The Strategic Framework outlines three keys steps to do this:

  1. Prevention: strengthen our movement’s resilience
  2. Protection: standing strong and united in case of attacks
  3. Advocacy: raise our common voice in different fora


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