Charles Mulila

Blogs and News

I live in the Copperbelt and have seen the trend from the old days when we had the Zambia Consolidated copper mines, and used to have good CSR projects. But after the privatization of the mines, a lot is not being done. This has brought about much disappointment for communities, as people want to get better services, as we did in the past. This is what gives me the passion to be a civil society activist, so that we can see that we get something from the production of copper and the profits that are being made.

I have been a civil society activist since 1992, and this has given me the spirit to want to champion for rights of communities. I can choose to work elsewhere and get a bigger salary, but being a CSO activist has given me the opportunity to be part of a process that looks at ensuring that the rights and needs of people that live around me are taken care of. There is a gap in this, and if I do not engage, I will always feel guilty, as I will keep feeling that I have done nothing to advocate for the rights of my community members. I believe that I have to leave the earth better than I found it.

Africa is losing out as investors are taking advantage of our loose policies, so it is up to us to stand up and speak out, so that we contribute something to our country, region and to the world.

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